Xiaonanmen Bell Tower Xiaonanmen
“寶樹傳家†Shikumen. Dongjiadu
the remnants Wangjiamatou Lu. Xiaonanmen (Small South Gate)
. Wanyu Jie. Xiaonanmen (Small South Gate)
in a retreat among memories Shikumen. Xiaonanmen (Small South Gate)
shikumen Wangjiamatou Lu. Xiaonanmen (Small South Gate)
the former Jianghai Customs House South Bund
the former Jianghai Customs House South Bund
stone tablet with Ba gua symbol Dongjiadu
lion drum stone Tongren Fuyuantang. Xiaonanmen
çŸ³ç… Tongren Fuyuantang. Xiaonanmen
çŸ³ç… Tongren Fuyuantang. Xiaonanmen
ornamental newel-post Xiaonanmen
ornamental newel-post
ornamental newel-post
A Place Beyond Dongjiadu
peer into the past Xiaonanmen
little Rose Kongjia Nong. Laoximen
Dong Residence Shikumen. Laoximen
The Scale of Values Shikumen. Laoximen
"厚德載ç¦" Xiaoximen
shikumen facade Jinjiafang. Laoximen
the shadow within
letterpress printing within the Old City Xiaonanmen
letterpress printing within the Old City Xiaonanmen
swastika patterns
The Lost Tapestry Zhuangjiajie. Laoximen
boundary stone: “方廬界“ Xiaoximen
boundary stones: “劉世†and “延†Xiaoximen
within these walls Laoximen
boundary stone: â€œé™†â€¦æ·±å ‚ç•Œâ€ Laoximen
boundary stone: “花†or “å…†and “記界†Laoximen
boundary stone: "陳長記界" Laoximen
boundary stone: â€œå´‡ä½™å ‚é™³ç•Œâ€ Aijia Nong. Dadongmen (Big East Gate)
boundary stones: “王 …†and “咸德†Laoximen
Elephant Gate Shikumen. Laoximen
forsaken promises Dadongmen
when the wolf is at the door Laoximen
Exiles on Jinjiafang Laoximen
repeating patterns Xiaonanmen
silence interlude Daochuan Nong. Xiaonanmen
contentment Catalpa Garden. Xiaonanmen
. Catalpa Garden. Xiaonanmen
the solitary treasure Catalpa Garden. Xiaonanmen
conversations Catalpa Garden. Xiaonanmen
the memory keeper Catalpa Garden. Xiaonanmen
knowing the past Wangyun Lu. Dadongmen
boundary stone: “上海市路界†Xiaonanmen
textures of time Dongjiadu
Zixia Shikumen Xiaonanmen
Eaves of Shichun Hall Wutong Lu. Xiaodongmen
Shichun Hall Wutong Lu. Xiaodongmen
roof gable Shangchuan Huiguan. Dongjiadu
towards the sea Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
. Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
remains of the day Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
deep under the eaves Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
Pailou (archway) Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
Pailou (archway) Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
stone tablet Shangchuan Huiguan. Xiaonanmen
Dougong interlocking wooden brackets Shangchuan Huiguan. Dongjiadu
Dougong interlocking wooden brackets, "phoenix in flight" relief woodcarvings Shangchuan Huiguan. Dongjiadu
boundary stone: “麻清寧 …†Aijia Nong. Dadongmen (Big East Gate)
boundary stone: â€œå” â€¦ 界†Zhuhangmatou Jie. Dongjiadu
boundary stone: “姚修记界†Zhuhangmatou Jie. Dongjiadu
boundary stone; property boundary of Shiyi Hall Dongjiadu
boundary stone: â€œå››æ˜Žèª å–„â€ Dongjiadu
boundary stone: â€œé ¤å£½å ‚â€ Xiaonanmen
boundary stone: â€œé ¤å£½å ‚â€ Xiaonanmen
boundary stone: â€œæ‰¿åŽšå ‚éŒ¢ ...†Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
"Whispering House" Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
"Whispering House" Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
"Whispering House" Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
"what touches you is what you touch" "Whispering House" | Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
a certain illusion "Whispering House" | Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
the genie has left the jar "Whispering House" | Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
"Whispering House" Beishijia Nong. Xiaonanmen
boundary stone: "å››æ˜Žèª å–„å ‚è‘›ç•Œ" Zhuhangmatou Jie. Xiaonanmen
boundary stones: "å¾·å–„å ‚è¬ç•Œ" and "陳新記界" Wanyu Jie. Xiaonanmen
Traditional Chinese Lattice Door Xiaonanmen
. Guoyutang Jie. Xiaodongmen
boundary stone with inscriptions “世德?陳界†Xuenongdi Jie. North Gate
boundary stone with inscriptions “桩界, 上海市†North Gate
boundary stones: “上海市†and â€œäº¦æ¨‚å ‚â€ Xicangqiaojie. Laoximen
boundary stone: “謙å‰å ‚汪界†Shengjia Jie. North Gate
boundary stone: “裕æˆè¨˜ç•Œâ€ Fujia Jie. Xiaodongmen
when sunlight reveals my despair Guoyutang Jie. Xiaodongmen
Traditional Chinese Lattice Door Xicangqiaojie. Laoximen
forgotten rhymes Xicangqiaojie. Laoximen
shikumen courtyard Wenmiao Lu. Laoximen
parapet with antique wooden hand-carved motifs Wenmiao Lu. Laoximen
parapet with antique wooden hand-carved motifs Wenmiao Lu. Laoximen
shikumen parapet with hand-carved elephant and antique motifs Wenmiao Lu. Laoximen
. Xuexi Jie. Laoximen
“the truth, rarely comes to light†Xuexi Jie. Laoximen
the lost and found Guoyutang Jie. Xiaodongmen
distorted reality Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
decorative plaster ceiling relief Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
decorative plaster ceiling relief Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
neglected voices Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
the ghost in the attic Huacao Nong. North Gate
ornamental newel-post Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
ornamental newel-post Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
in a fallen world Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
vanished past Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
boundary stone: "王錦記界" Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
boundary stone: “éœè¨˜æ•¬ä¿®å ‚å‚…ç•Œ" Zhoujin Lu. North Gate
boundary stone: “童副房" North Gate
boundary stone: "é™°é å ‚éŒ¢ç•Œ, 牆外餘地二次åŠ" Penglai Lu. Laoximen (Old West Gate)
boundary stones: "é™°é å ‚éŒ¢ç•Œ, 牆外餘地二次åŠ" & "å˜å¤" Penglai Lu. Laoximen (Old West Gate)
shades of meaning Laoximen (Old West Gate)
old cobblestone path Laoximen (Old West Gate)
. Huacao Nong. North Gate
Shikumen architectural detail Dongyaojia Nong. Xiaodongmen (Small East Gate)
an experience of presence Renmin Lu (formerly Minguo Rd). Xiaodongmen (Small East Gate)
. Minguo Road. Xiaodongmen
. Fongpang Road. Old West Gate
. Fongpang Road. Laoximen
nothing is ever really lost Tiandeng Nong. Small East Gate
between light and darkness Wangyun Road. Chaozong (Big East Gate)
forgotten Dongjiadu
shikumen with elephant tympanum Yanghai (North Gate)
"è¿ä¿®åŽ¥å¾·" Yanghai (North Gate)
ç¦ç»¥é‡Œ Yifeng (Old West Gate)
shikumen gateway Yifeng (Old West Gate)
. Yifeng (Old West Gate)
. Yifeng (Old West Gate)
. Ever Spring Hall. Yanghai (North Gate)
caisson ceiling Ever Spring Hall. Yanghai (North Gate)
boundary stone: "宋åŠè¨˜ç‰†ç•Œ" Nanqu Jie. Dongjiadu
boundary stones: "éŸ“è©±å¾·å ‚ç•Œ" and "è¡¡å¾·å ‚å³ç•Œ" Yifeng (Old West Gate)
boundary stone: "xxå¾·å ‚" Wanyu Jie. Dongjiadu
. Yanghai (North Gate)