- Xiaonanmen Bell Tower
- “寶樹傳家â€
- the remnants
- .
- in a retreat among memories
- shikumen
- the former Jianghai Customs House
- the former Jianghai Customs House
- stone tablet with Ba gua symbol
- lion drum stone
- 石ç…
- 石ç…
- ornamental newel-post
- ornamental newel-post
- ornamental newel-post
- A Place Beyond
- peer into the past
- little Rose
- Dong Residence
- The Scale of Values
- "厚德載ç¦"
- shikumen facade
- the shadow within
- letterpress printing within the Old City
- letterpress printing within the Old City
- swastika patterns
- The Lost Tapestry
- .
- boundary stone: “方廬界“
- boundary stones: “劉世†and “延â€
- within these walls
- boundary stone: â€œé™†â€¦æ·±å ‚ç•Œâ€
- boundary stone: “花†or “å…†and “記界â€
- boundary stone: "陳長記界"
- boundary stone: â€œå´‡ä½™å ‚é™³ç•Œâ€
- boundary stones: “王 …†and “咸德â€
- Elephant Gate
- forsaken promises
- when the wolf is at the door
- Exiles on Jinjiafang
- repeating patterns
- silence interlude
- contentment
- .
- .
- the solitary treasure
- conversations
- the memory keeper
- knowing the past
- boundary stone: “上海市路界â€
- textures of time
- Zixia Shikumen
- Eaves of Shichun Hall
- Shichun Hall
- roof gable
- towards the sea
- .
- remains of the day
- deep under the eaves
- Pailou (archway)
- Pailou (archway)
- stone tablet
- Dougong interlocking wooden brackets
- Dougong interlocking wooden brackets, "phoenix in flight" relief woodcarvings
- boundary stone: “麻清寧 …â€
- boundary stone: â€œå” â€¦ ç•Œâ€
- boundary stone: “姚修记界â€
- boundary stone; property boundary of Shiyi Hall
- boundary stone: â€œå››æ˜Žèª å–„â€
- boundary stone: â€œé ¤å£½å ‚â€
- boundary stone: â€œé ¤å£½å ‚â€
- boundary stone: â€œæ‰¿åŽšå ‚éŒ¢ ...â€
- "Whispering House"
- "Whispering House"
- "Whispering House"
- "what touches you is what you touch"
- a certain illusion
- the genie has left the jar
- "Whispering House"
- boundary stone: "å››æ˜Žèª å–„å ‚è‘›ç•Œ"
- boundary stones: "å¾·å–„å ‚è¬ç•Œ" and "陳新記界"
- Traditional Chinese Lattice Door
- .
- boundary stone with inscriptions “世德?陳界â€
- boundary stone with inscriptions “桩界, 上海市â€
- boundary stones: “上海市†and â€œäº¦æ¨‚å ‚â€
- boundary stone: “謙å‰å ‚汪界â€
- boundary stone: “裕æˆè¨˜ç•Œâ€
- when sunlight reveals my despair
- Traditional Chinese Lattice Door
- forgotten rhymes
- shikumen courtyard
- parapet with antique wooden hand-carved motifs
- parapet with antique wooden hand-carved motifs
- shikumen parapet with hand-carved elephant and antique motifs
- .
- “the truth, rarely comes to lightâ€
- the lost and found
- distorted reality
- decorative plaster ceiling relief
- decorative plaster ceiling relief
- neglected voices
- the ghost in the attic
- ornamental newel-post
- ornamental newel-post
- in a fallen world
- vanished past
- boundary stone: "王錦記界"
- boundary stone: “éœè¨˜æ•¬ä¿®å ‚å‚…ç•Œ"
- boundary stone: “童副房"
- boundary stone: "é™°é å ‚éŒ¢ç•Œ, 牆外餘地二次åŠ"
- boundary stones: "é™°é å ‚éŒ¢ç•Œ, 牆外餘地二次åŠ" & "å˜å¤"
- shades of meaning
- old cobblestone path
- .
- Shikumen architectural detail
- an experience of presence
- .
- .
- .
- nothing is ever really lost
- between light and darkness
- forgotten
- shikumen with elephant tympanum
- "è¿ä¿®åŽ¥å¾·"
- ç¦ç»¥é‡Œ
- shikumen gateway
- .
- .
- .
- caisson ceiling
- boundary stone: "宋åŠè¨˜ç‰†ç•Œ"
- boundary stones: "éŸ“è©±å¾·å ‚ç•Œ" and "è¡¡å¾·å ‚å³ç•Œ"
- boundary stone: "xxå¾·å ‚"
- .